Take a Photo and Win A Kindle Paperwhite
Upload a photo of you or one of your children enjoying at least one Rosen Trevithick book to be entered into a prize draw to win a Kindle Paperwhite.
The competition started on 30th November 2013 and will run until 31st December 2013.
eBooks and Paperbacks Both Qualify
Don't have one of my titles in paperback? Don't worry. An eBook also qualifies, whether it's open on a laptop, phone, eReader or any other electronic device.
Entrants With UK Postal Addresses Only
To qualify to win a Kindle, you must be able to provide a postal address than falls within the area that Amazon post to free of charge, when I order a Kindle from my home in the UK.
However, do feel free to join in the photo-uploading fun whether you qualify for a prize or not. It's all good publicity for me!
The Book Must be Recognisable
The book(s) must be easily recognisable in the picture. The simplest way to do this is to use the cover.
You Must be Recognisable
The object, for me, is to collect photos of a range of fascinating people enjoying my books. Therefore your face, either from the front or in profile, must be visible.
Upload to Facebook or Twitter
To qualify you must either:
- upload the photo to facebook.com/rosen.trevithick (or facebook.com/TheTrollTrap if the photo contains a child). It must be publicly visible. It must remain on the page until at least December 31st 2013. If you feel comfortable tagging the photo, please do, as it will guide your friends towards my book. However, you won't be disqualified if you don't tag.
- upload the photo to Twitter and mention @RosenTrevithick. It must remain on Twitter until at least 31st December 2013.
No Purchase Necessary
You will be able to download Gourmet Girl Burger and The Ice Marathon for free on the 30th November. Should you miss the boat, A Royal Mess is permanently free from Smashwords.
Up to three entries per person
You get one entry for every qualifying photo of a separate book. So if you upload three photos of yourself enjoying three different books, you will be entered into the draw three times. Uploading three photos of the same book will result in one entry. The maximum is three entries per person.
Must be a Published Rosen Trevithick title
Choose one or more from the following titles:
- for adults
Seesaw (Volume I), Seesaw (Volume II), Pompomberry House, A Royal Mess, Lipstick and Knickers, London, the Doggy and Me, My Granny Writes Erotica, On the Rocks, Straight Out of University, The Ice Marathon, The Other Daughter, The Selfish Act
- for children
The Troll Trap, Mr Splendiferous and the Troublesome Trolls, Trolls On Ice, The First Trollogy, Gourmet Girl Burger
Photographing children
Only include children in your photograph if you are their parent of legal guardian, or have permission from one of their parents or legal guardian.
Photographing groups
If there is more than one person in your photo, please choose one individual to be the competition entrant.
Permission to share
By entering, you are granting Rosen Trevithick permission to share your picture of Facebook, Twitter and her blog.
Choosing a winner
A winner will be chosen at random. I shall pick one from a hat at a public meeting in January.
Contacting the winner
I will try to contact the winner via Facebook or Twitter. If your privacy settings disallow this, please keep an eye out for my post announcing the winners and if you're selected, email rosen.trevithick@gmail.com.
I reserve the right to refuse entry to any photographs that do not appear to be in the spirit of the competition, including but not limited to: profanity, nudity, racial hatred. Bogies are acceptable.