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Rosen Trevithick

About Rosen Trevithick

Rosen was born in Cornwall. She studied psychology at Oxford before moving back to the West Country.

Readers have downloaded over a quarter of a million copies of Rosen's books. Several titles have broken into the Amazon charts, including a number 1 humorous fiction bestseller.

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Praise for Rosen Trevithick

- The Independent
"I've been reading The Troll Trap during guided reading sessions with my year 5 children. Quite simply, they love it! The smiles on the children's faces, their sniggering and eagerness for the next session are an absolute joy."
- D. Spiteri (Year 5 Teacher)
"It is that famous sarcastic, British wit that I could eat all day. London, the Doggy and Me is simply another winner."
- N. Blackburn
"Fun, lighthearted read and well written. Children who enjoy Roald Dahl and Horrible Histories may like this."
- Kew (Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer)

My Granny Writes Erotica Official Website

How Not to Self-Publish Official Website

18.02.2012 16:54

Praise for London, the Doggy and Me

It is with great pleasure that I report that my new short story, London, the Doggy and Me has already received three excellent reviews.

Here are some examples of what the reviewers have had to say so far...

"I have read everything that Rosen Trevithick has written and it still continues to amaze me about the breadth of her writing capabilities. It is that famous sarcastic, British wit that I could eat all day. Simply another winner from her."

- N. Blackburn (Amazon reviewer)

"After reading a previous book by the author, I have to say my expectations were high, and I wasn't to be disappointed by the newest offering. Once again laugh out loud humour, amazing descriptions and loveable characters."

- SJ1977 (Amazon reviewer)

"A hilarious short story about a young woman on a quest to realise her life's dream that had me laughing out loud. The scene on the tube will be lasting in my memories especially! Gleefully recommended."

- P.E. (Amazon reviewer)

Thanks to all three of those reviewers for taking the trouble to put their thoughts in words and help me promote my book.

A short story by Rosen Trevithick
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