Charts, Reviews and Thanks
It's been a very exciting time for me - two chart toppers and some great reviews. There are a number of developments to report and a number of people who I need to thank. However, naturally it's been a very busy time, so I'll summarise, and report one or two highlights.
Firstly, Lipstick and Knickers has been at number 1 in the humorous fiction chart for a whole week. I've received some great feedback and you can read the reviews here. I've also raised enough money to pay a proof reader to reward my readers with professional content in the future.
Secondly, The Other Daughter went straight to the top of the free short story chart during its free promotional day. Its two reviews so far have been outstanding. I was particularly pleased to get a five star review from D. Jones, Amazon's number 1 reviewer.
Thanks to all of the people who've taken the trouble to review my books, particularly Naomi B and Judder, who have reviewed several, and DV8 Diva who gave me a second chance after Lipstick and Knickers wasn't really her thing. Also, thanks to family and friends who've been extremely supportive, especially Helen, Kate, Mum and Dad.