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Rosen Trevithick

About Rosen Trevithick

Rosen was born in Cornwall. She studied psychology at Oxford before moving back to the West Country.

Readers have downloaded over a quarter of a million copies of Rosen's books. Several titles have broken into the Amazon charts, including a number 1 humorous fiction bestseller.

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Praise for Rosen Trevithick

- The Independent
"It's hilarious to the point that I had to put the book down because I couldn't see the screen for my tears and this happened a few times. The incident in the kitchen with the My Ickle Pony Tail had me curled up so I didn't wet myself."
- K. Farrimond (Amazon Reviewer)
"I was reading this aloud to my 4 year old niece when waiting for hubby to finish with a doctor's appointment. She was totally enthralled! When we were ready to leave, the gentleman across from us had been listening and said, "Ah! Man! Do you have to go? I was really enjoying that!""
- DW
"Well if you're looking for something just a little bit different, this is that kind of book. It was like dipping a lolly into a bag of pop rocks, I was never sure where the author would take it next."
- Cheryl (Amazon Top 500 Reviewer)

My Granny Writes Erotica Official Website

How Not to Self-Publish Official Website

05.11.2011 20:53

I've reviewed The Lost Resort by Toni James

The Lost Resort is a lesbian romance novel by Toni James.

Ideal for: Taking on holiday to read.

Favourite points: The mysterious abandoned hotel.

Least favourite points: A little too sugary for my taste.

See my full review of The Lost Resort.

A novel by Rosen Trevithick
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05/11/2011 21:07
Melissa says...

I like idealistic views of love in stories. I might give it a try.

10/11/2011 19:23
Toni James says...

Rosen, I'm sorry that you found the book a little sugary, but I thank you for your honest and kind review. Maybe you will enjoy the next one more!

Best wishes,

Toni James

10/11/2011 19:48
Rosen says...

Well, like I said in my review, it's just a matter of personal taste. It's a well-written book and people with more romantic tastes will love it.

10/11/2011 19:50
Rosen says...

P.S. Please tell us about your next book!

21/11/2011 23:43
Toni James says...

With pleasure. "The Thunderstone" will be released any day now. It's a supernatural thriller for young adults, exploring the story of the Pendle witches. It is set in present day Lancashire.

For those who prefer romance, "Crossing the Line" will be released in January.

21/11/2011 23:44
Toni James says...

What are you working on at the moment Rosen?

22/11/2011 00:09
Rosen says...

Ooh! Sounds interesting, and quite different from The Lost Resort. Does it continue the LGBT theme?

I'm working on a series of free short stories at the moment - trying to build a brand and all that jazz.

22/11/2011 20:35
Toni james says...

Great. I'd love to. Thanks for asking.

23/11/2011 07:47
Toni james says...

Would you like to submit one of your short stories to e included in tge new Freya anthology- out in summer next year. It will be out as an ebook but also in paperback? There are already some grey stories in it.

23/11/2011 11:33
Rosen says...

What is the Freya anthology?

23/11/2011 20:31
Toni james says...

If you go to and navigate to the submissions page, all the information you need is there. It would be brilliant to have somebody of your calibre involved.

24/11/2011 00:54
Rosen says...

That definitely looks like something I'd like to have a go at.

(Not to be confused with "Freya Devotional" - prayers, rituals, poetry, articles, experiential essays, recipes, meditations about Freya, the Norse goddess, which is where a Google search took me!)

I think we could help each other out. We both obviously share the agenda of promoting lesbian/bisexual indie fiction.

Can I interview you for my blog?

24/11/2011 10:09
Toni james says...

Definitely. I'd be honoured. It had also occurred to me that we might be able to work cooperatively. Thanks very much.

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