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Rosen Trevithick

About Rosen Trevithick

Rosen was born in Cornwall. She studied psychology at Oxford before moving back to the West Country.

Readers have downloaded over a quarter of a million copies of Rosen's books. Several titles have broken into the Amazon charts, including a number 1 humorous fiction bestseller.

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Praise for Rosen Trevithick

- The Independent
"Funny, scary, warm, witty, mysterious and on the edge of your seat stuff."
- T. Smith
"... a marvellously entertaining read and I recommend it."
- Damaskcat (Amazon Top 50 Reviewer)
"The best bit about the book for me, were the belly laughs it caused in my son …This is the first book where both of us have found it equally funny and for me the bonding experience I had with him as a result will never be forgotten. It was a wonderful experience."
- David Haynes (Author)

My Granny Writes Erotica Official Website

How Not to Self-Publish Official Website

16.04.2013 10:31

How to Follow Me Without Using Facebook

I'm becoming increasing disenchanted with Facebook, which has started charging me to post news to my fans. Therefore, I urge readers to find new ways to follow my news and interact with me.

Firstly, Facebook started asking me to 'sponsor posts' - essentially asking for money to send news to people who've elected to receive it. This annoyed me, but Facebook has to cover costs, right? The final straw was when they started asking me to pay to send messages to other Facebook users' inboxes.

So, below is a summary of ways to follow, interact and contact me, without using Facebook.

My Personalised Newsletter

If you would like my news direct to your inbox then register your interest here. I will then add you to the mailing list of your choice. There are three separate lists: adults / children / schools, so that you can choose to only receive the news that targets you. I tend to send 1-2 emails per month, at most.

You can unsubscribe from my newsletters at any time.

Rosen Trevithick Blog

This blog is my most flexible tool for sharing news. You can either regularly check or you can add the RSS feed to your newsreader.

My blog has comments enabled so you can interact with me and other users about topics to do with my work and writing in general.

Another nifty way to follow my blog is to check the Indie Book Bargains blog section. This is kept up-to-date with posts from my blog as well as other indies, so you can follow many authors at once.

Rosen Trevithick on Twitter

You can follow me on Twitter for quick injections of news and observations about life. Admittedly, I haven't been updating Twitter as often as I could, but I will make more of an effort now that I'm losing faith in Facebook.

I usually see and respond to public interactions but please don't direct message me on Twitter because my inbox gets flooded with spam, so I don't check it anymore.

Rosen Trevithick on Goodreads

My Goodread profile summarises my recent blog posts and discussion topics. Goodreads is a good way to engage in public discussions with authors and other readers. If you want to send me a private message, I do read my Goodreads inbox, but I prefer to receive direct messages by email.

Email Me

I am always happy to hear from readers or discuss writing and self-publishing with other authors. My email address is

Please don't email me offering to sell me literary services. I have already commissioned an illustrator and editor for my next projects.

I will continue to keep Facebook updated but if you don't want to be one of the 75% of people who misses my posts, sign up to another form of news.



16/04/2013 15:42
Alex South says...

Facebook has made life more complicated. :/ How often do you post to your blog?

16/04/2013 16:45
Rosen says...

Less often than Facebook because I tend to post less if the little observations and questions because participation is lower than on a social network.

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