My Top 10 Words
I thought it would be interesting to find out which words I use the most. Although the top words varied enormously from book to book, one word kept cropping up - eyes. In the five texts I processed, I had used 'eyes' 346 times. The closest word, 'good', was more than 50 occurrences behind.
Eyes are great, the not only help build a picture of a character's physical appearance but they can by used to express a great variety of emotions. I had no idea that I referenced them quite as often as I had.
My most commonly used adjectives were 'good', 'long', 'big', 'bad', 'happy' and 'deep'. Make of that what you will.
Here are some lists of the most popular words from some of my books.
Note: common words like 'it', 'he', 'she' and 'the' were removed.
Pompoberry House
1. book
2. story
3. police
4. eyes
5. murder
6. writers
7. house
8. good
9. dead
10. killer
The Troll Trap
1. troll
2. ogre
3. school
4. boy
5. children
6. river
7. sheep
8. eyes
9. mirrors
10. cave
Straight Out of University
1. good
2. oxford
3. love
4. sex
5. hair
6. life
7. woman
8. long
9. smiled
10. night
The Ice Marathon
1. baby
2. home
3. eyes
4. house
5. good
6. night
7. son
8. feel
9. face
10. mother
I'm delighted to hear the you're enjoying my books. Footprints and Pompomberry House are rather different, aren't they?
I am reading Pompomberry House and love it! You are one of the most original writers I have discovered on Kindle. (I loved Footprints, too.)