Kindle Book Price Suggestion Tool
How much should an eBook cost?
I've been working on a Kindle Book Price Suggestion Tool for the UK. You plug in data about your sales, word count etc and it suggests a suitable price for your Kindle book.
How to price a Kindle book is a controversial topic and there will no doubt be people who disagree with my suggestions. Many indie writers feel that they should be able to charge £4.99 for their books, because they put a great deal of work into them. To some extent, I agree. However, if we want our books to sell then we need to price them relative to the rest of the market. This tool suggests competitive prices compared to other indies of the same popularity.
Love the price suggestion tool, Rosen! This is really useful. It also allows us to do "what ifs" for when/if we become better known. Many successfulful ebook authors paly their cards close to their chests. This is excellent. Much appreciated!