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Rosen Trevithick

About Rosen Trevithick

Rosen was born in Cornwall. She studied psychology at Oxford before moving back to the West Country.

Readers have downloaded over a quarter of a million copies of Rosen's books. Several titles have broken into the Amazon charts, including a number 1 humorous fiction bestseller.

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Praise for Rosen Trevithick

- The Independent
"An absolute corker of a read."
- Elaine G (Amazon Top 500 Reviewer)
"I didn’t want Miss to put the book down. It was so gripping from the beginning."
- Daisy (Schoolchild)
"My Granny Writes Erotica is a laugh a minute story with a few moments that steal your breath! I really enjoyed it and if it ever appears on Paperback I will definitely be giving copies to my family to read."
- Rebbie Reviews (Amazon Reviewer)

My Granny Writes Erotica Official Website

How Not to Self-Publish Official Website

10.10.2013 13:05
You are Invited to a Book Launch

You are Invited to a Book Launch

On Saturday 30th November, I will be launching three books: Seesaw (Volume II), Trolls On Ice and The First Trollogy.

You are welcome to join me at my online launch event, where you will be able to:

- download free books

- buy my new releases (for Kindle or in paperback)

- enter a draw to win a Kindle Paperwhite

Feel free to add yourself to the guest list by signing into facebook and joining Rosen's Triple Book Launch.

A collection by Rosen Trevithick
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