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Rosen Trevithick

About Rosen Trevithick

Rosen was born in Cornwall. She studied psychology at Oxford before moving back to the West Country.

Readers have downloaded over a quarter of a million copies of Rosen's books. Several titles have broken into the Amazon charts, including a number 1 humorous fiction bestseller.

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Praise for Rosen Trevithick

- The Independent
"I've been reading The Troll Trap during guided reading sessions with my year 5 children. Quite simply, they love it! The smiles on the children's faces, their sniggering and eagerness for the next session are an absolute joy."
- D. Spiteri (Year 5 Teacher)
"This is a stunning novella: cleverly-constructed, well-paced - and very informative. I read it in a single session and felt as if I'd been pulled through an emotional mangle."
- B J Burton (Author)
"This first thing I learned was that this is not a book to read on the bus, mainly because of all the times I caught myself laughing like an idiot every five minutes. The second thing I learned was just how great this book is."
- M. Cox (Amazon Reviewer)

My Granny Writes Erotica Official Website

How Not to Self-Publish Official Website

05.02.2012 20:16

Proofreader Recommendation - Olivia Wood

Olivia Wood is a London-based freelance editor. She did the proofreading for the new edition of The Other Daughter and I highly recommend her services.

The Other Daughter was originally launched unedited, but a new version is now available.

Olivia is lovely to work with. She's flexible and competitively priced. Her feedback was extremely thorough and very easy to follow. I felt that the service was slightly beyond proofreading and has definitely added value to my work. I hope to work with her again.

See Olivia Wood's website or approach me for her contact details.

A short story by Rosen Trevithick
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22/05/2012 14:12
Rosen says...

I have worked with Olivia on a number of subsequent occasions and been very satisfied. She's done both proofreading and editing jobs for me. My review ratings seem to have increased by a whole star since getting Olivia and Peter involved.

20/10/2012 17:31
Mike Hogan says...

Hi Rosen,

Your recommendation moved me: How can I contact Olivia,

best regards,


20/10/2012 17:38
Rosen says...

I've emailed Olivia directing her to this post. Hopefully she'll be in touch soon.

20/10/2012 17:39
Rosen says...

Also, there's a contact form on the Text Mender website.

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