Two Very Pleasing Reviews
I am delighted to have read two very satisfying reviews of my short stories, On the Rocks and The Other Daughter. The reviews were written by Naomi and originally posted on Goodreads.
On the Rocks
"This was a heartbreaking short story of a woman suffering from mental illness and her 'relationships' with those around her and decisions she has made that affects them. This author has only a couple of books out at this time, but I can tell she is an excellent writer."
The Other Daughter
"While I found this short story to be good, I didn't find it quite as powerful as this author's other short story, On the Rocks. I didn't feel the connection to the characters as with the aforementioned book, although this story was, like the other book, absolutely heartbreaking. I can't wait to read more from this author."
Thank you very much to Naomi for writing the reviews. Naomi co-admins the Goodreads group Sisterhood of the Traveling Book, a group created to discuss and celebrate all genres of books, everything from debut authors to the classics.