Which is better, reading The Trollogy or the Separate Books?
There are three Smelly Troll chapter books to read. But should you buy them separately or purchase The First Trollogy? The First Trollogy is books 1-3 in one big, snotacular volume.
The First Trollogy contains full length chapter books The Troll Trap, Mr Splendiferous and the Troublesome Trolls and Trolls On Ice. Gourmet Girl Burger is a separate short story.
Let's be honest here - the trollogy is a massive book. It is stuffed full of trolls. It will take you a long time to read, and it'll be very heavy to hold. However, owning the trollogy will make you look like a serious troll hunter. With the trollogy, all three troll stories will be in one place, making them hard to lose. It's a good option if you love books or you love trolls.
If you buy the stories separately, reading each book will seem much less daunting because you can enjoy the series in manageable chunks. You'll be able to carry one at a time. So if you want to take a troll story on holiday or to school, you could just take the one that you're reading and not have to worry about making your bag as heavy as a troll itself. If you buy them separately, you'll be able to lend the stories that you're not reading to a brother, sister or friend.
I asked two classes of children which they'd rather have, The First Trollogy or the separate books. Two thirds said the trollogy, and one third said they'd like to read the three books separately. This goes to show that there's no right or wrong answer. You have to choose the book or books that suits you.
The First Trollogy is cheaper than buying three books separately, so if you know you want all three and would like more pocket money left over after buying them, the trollogy is the best option.
However, trolls are very smelly and very disgusting. If you've never read a Smelly Troll book before, you may wish to buy just the first one, The Troll Trap to see whether or not you like can stand the slime and grime.
You might be wondering what that pink book on the right of the picture above is. That's Gourmet Girl Burger. It's a short, totally revolting troll story that's separate from the others because it's much shorter and deals with different human characters. Gourmet Girl Burger is not in The First Trollogy.
Wilfred Whiffwizard from Gourmet Girl Burger. He has some utterly disgusting recipes. The main ingredient? Little girl!
There will be more Smelly Troll books in the future. Eventually, perhaps, a second trollogy!
Paperback Prices
The Troll Trap - £5.99.
Mr Splendiferous - £5.99
Trolls on Ice - £6.49
Total of books 1-3 separately - £18.47
The First Trollogy - £12.99.
Gourmet Girl Burger - £2.75
Kindle Prices
The Troll Trap - £1.99.
Mr Splendiferous - £1.99
Trolls on Ice - £1.99.
Total of books 1-3 separately - £5.97
The First Trollogy - £3.99.
Gourmet Girl Burger - 77p