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Rosen Trevithick

About Rosen Trevithick

Rosen was born in Cornwall. She studied psychology at Oxford before moving back to the West Country.

Readers have downloaded over a quarter of a million copies of Rosen's books. Several titles have broken into the Amazon charts, including a number 1 humorous fiction bestseller.

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Praise for Rosen Trevithick

- The Independent
"The best bit about the book for me, were the belly laughs it caused in my son …This is the first book where both of us have found it equally funny and for me the bonding experience I had with him as a result will never be forgotten. It was a wonderful experience."
- David Haynes (Author)
"I absolutley loved Straight Out of University. It was laugh out loud funny through a lot of it. It drew me in rapidly and even had me on tenterhooks to see if characters Sophie and John would work out together."
- S. Hitchens
"Once again Rosen has succeeded in crafting a delightful story, full of humour yet delving into the more serious side of human nature and relationships."
- P. Elliot (Goodreads Mod)

My Granny Writes Erotica Official Website

How Not to Self-Publish Official Website

16.10.2013 17:52

Kobo Send Out Writing Life Newsletter Despite Not Actually Writing Any Life

I couldn't believe it when I received a Kobo Writing Life newsletter about half an hour ago. It is my understanding that Kobo recently removed all books published through their Writing Life platform, as well as those submitted through intermediaries like Smashwords and D2D, due to a scandal that resulted from their own failure to filter books. Yet they saw fit to deliver their October self-publishing newsletter.

The October edition of their monthly newsletter includes self-publishing hints and tips. At no point does it address the enormous matter that they're not actually selling any self-published books at the moment.

After the Daily Mail published a story showing that hardcore erotica involving incest, bestiality and rape showed up in WHSmiths search results for kids' books, Kobo removed all self-published books from their store. At first their web pages for my titles, such as Pompomberry House, showed the cover and synopsis alongside the words 'Currently Unavailable'. Now even the basic details have vanished. Kobo apparently plan to reinstate self-published books, after a thorough review of content.

I blogged about why Kobo's actions are very wrong on Monday.

The self-publishing community is disappointed by the actions of WHSmiths and Kobo. Author, Tim Arnot, posted 'WH Smith attempted to shift the blame for their own failure to check their stock onto Self-published authors and Kobo in particular. Kobo panicked an yanked all SP and aggregated books in the UK and to a lesser extent elsewhere. Neither action is warranted or justified.'

David Gaughran, author of Let's Get Digital agreed that targeting indie books sends a negative message about self-publishing to the world, propagating a stereotype that we're fighting to rebuke.

By not addressing this, and instead sending out a glossy newsletter that pretends the problem isn't even happening, Kobo are continuing to show that lack of concern for the self-publishing community.


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