IBB - New Features to Help UK Indies Promote Their Work
I've been upgrading Indie Book Bargains this week to include some new features for UK indie authors to promote their work. This includes Author Profiles and Book Metrics.
Author Profiles
Now authors can enter a blurb, collect fans and post links to their own websites. This is a great way to tell our readers more about you and your work, and to drive traffic to your blog and social networking pages.
You can invite your friends to become your fans using our automated email script. The ten most popular authors will be permanently listed on our main sidebar.
Readers and writers can now rate books on over twenty different dimensions such as 'grittiest' and 'jolliest'. Readers can then enter the properties of their ideal book and IBB will suggest a selection of suitable titles. There are also charts to help readers locate books that are high in the attributes that they enjoy.
Please rate as many books as you can to make the metrics experience as useful as possible.
Profile Pics
Both authors and readers can now upload profile photos. So far only authors have profiles, but reader profiles are in the pipeline and reader thumbnails appear on the pages of authors that they like.
Just got to say, thank you for all your hard work. Not only with this concept but with all the work you do to help us indies get out there. You're a champion Thank you