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Rosen Trevithick

About Rosen Trevithick

Rosen was born in Cornwall. She studied psychology at Oxford before moving back to the West Country.

Readers have downloaded over a quarter of a million copies of Rosen's books. Several titles have broken into the Amazon charts, including a number 1 humorous fiction bestseller.

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Praise for Rosen Trevithick

- The Independent
"Once again Rosen has succeeded in crafting a delightful story, full of humour yet delving into the more serious side of human nature and relationships."
- P. Elliot (Goodreads Mod)
"A very short story which made a very big impact, I actually found myself at one point holding my breath."
- A. Coburn (Amazon Top 500 Reviewer)
"This is a stunning novella: cleverly-constructed, well-paced - and very informative. I read it in a single session and felt as if I'd been pulled through an emotional mangle."
- B J Burton (Author)

My Granny Writes Erotica Official Website

How Not to Self-Publish Official Website

Summary of Blog Posts

23.09.2012 18:39

Blue lands, Blue Rinces and Red Dots...

Back in March, I interrogated David Wailing about rollercoasters, caves and paraffin lamps. Now, David has his own blog and has returned the 'favour'.

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23.09.2012 11:54
Pompomberry House Free for Kindle

Pompomberry House Free for Kindle

From now until Thurday 27th September, Pompomberry House will be free to download for Kindle. This is a version you can read on your laptop, phone, tablet and, of course, Kindle.

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23.09.2012 10:26

Shout out to all the sites listing Pompomberry House promotion

I'd just like to say thank you to the following sites for listing today's Pompomberry House promotion.

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22.09.2012 13:31
Seesaw added to Awesome Indies

Seesaw added to Awesome Indies

My short story collection, Seesaw, has been added to Awesome Indies, a site that promotes professional standard Indie published books.

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19.09.2012 18:32
Pompomberry House is Now Available in Paperback

Pompomberry House is Now Available in Paperback

My novel, Pompomberry House is now available in paperback. The humorous mystery novel satirising the indie publishing industry has a 4.9 star average on Amazon, following its successful Kindle launch.

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04.09.2012 12:18

London, the Doggy and Me - The Truth Behind the Urban Legend

When my friend, Helen, told me a tale about a dead dog in a stolen suitcase, it seemed like the perfect inspiration for a short story. Since my book came out, I've realised that the stolen dog carcass is a wide spread urban legend. And so, I set about trying to uncover the truth behind the tale.

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04.09.2012 11:49
Pompomberry House Chosen as a UK Kindle Forum...

Pompomberry House Chosen as a UK Kindle Forum September Read

I'm delighted to report that the Goodreads UK Kindle Forum has chosen Pompomberry House to be one of their September reads.

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26.08.2012 18:40
Indie Map of the British Isles

Indie Map of the British Isles

If you are an indie author with a connection to Great Britain or Ireland then please get in touch, especially if your books are linked to an area not yet conquered.

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16.08.2012 15:59
List Your Free Kindle Book Promotion in the UK

List Your Free Kindle Book Promotion in the UK

Most indie authors have heard of Pixels of Ink and eReaderNewsToday. I looked around and couldn't find a UK-based equivilent - at least not one that did everything I wanted it to. So, I've created my own

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15.08.2012 10:45
Free Short Story - A Royal Mess

Free Short Story - A Royal Mess

A Royal Mess is a short prequel to Pompomberry House, which is an ideal read for anybody wishing to sample the Pompomberry series without investing in a whole novel.

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