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Rosen Trevithick

About Rosen Trevithick

Rosen was born in Cornwall. She studied psychology at Oxford before moving back to the West Country.

Readers have downloaded over a quarter of a million copies of Rosen's books. Several titles have broken into the Amazon charts, including a number 1 humorous fiction bestseller.

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Praise for Rosen Trevithick

- The Independent
"The best bit about the book for me, were the belly laughs it caused in my son …This is the first book where both of us have found it equally funny and for me the bonding experience I had with him as a result will never be forgotten. It was a wonderful experience."
- David Haynes (Author)
"The characters are engaging, the plot tightly woven with enough twists and turns to maintain momentum, and the book deals with important themes in a very sensitive and thought provoking manner. I particularly admired the language, which treads an admirably fine line between moments of humour and the serious consideration of themes such as mental illness."
- Alex Roddie (Author)
"It's hilarious to the point that I had to put the book down because I couldn't see the screen for my tears and this happened a few times. The incident in the kitchen with the My Ickle Pony Tail had me curled up so I didn't wet myself."
- K. Farrimond (Amazon Reviewer)

My Granny Writes Erotica Official Website

How Not to Self-Publish Official Website

Summary of Blog Posts

13.01.2013 18:58
Dawn Mann's Letter of Congratulations

Dawn Mann's Letter of Congratulations

Dawn Mann, editor of The Book of Most Quality Writers has penned a letter expressing her congratulations to all the authors who won a Best Indie Book of 2012 award.

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13.01.2013 13:12
Pompomberry House - Best Indie Humour Title of...

Pompomberry House - Best Indie Humour Title of 2012

I'm delighted to announce that Pompomberry House won the Indie Book Bargains 'Best Indie Humour Title of 2012'. Stu Ayris won the best overall book, with Tollsbury Time Forever, with Steve Robinson, Lexi Revellian, M A Comley and Talli Roland also excelling.

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10.01.2013 13:51
Using the iPad to Write Dialogue - A Tip For...

Using the iPad to Write Dialogue - A Tip For Authors

Two things that put my off the Apple iPad were the lack of apostrophe and double quote keys on the main keyboard screen. However, I've since found that you can get a quote on the master keyboard.

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03.01.2013 19:06
How to Make a Troll, Rosen Trevithick Style

How to Make a Troll, Rosen Trevithick Style

Real trolls are not quite like the trolls you read about in books. So read carefully if you would like to make a lifelike troll.

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25.12.2012 17:31
Merry Christmas 2012 from Rosen Trevithick

Merry Christmas 2012 from Rosen Trevithick

Wishing you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. My annual eCard.

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24.12.2012 11:44

Christmas Number 1 - The Candidates

My winter novella, The Ice Marathon is at number 9 in the UK Kindle freebie chart, making it a contender for Christmas number #1. But who else has a potential chart topper?

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22.12.2012 15:30
2012 - The Year of the Indie

2012 - The Year of the Indie

2012 - What a year to be an indie author. Amazon introduced their Select programme, KUF grew into an even wider invaluable resource, and a traditional publisher facilitated a dubious indie trilogy in becoming the fastest-selling paperback of all time. It is also the year that my career took off, along side many other self-published authors.

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22.12.2012 14:10

New Post

21.12.2012 10:22
Free Novella - The Ice Marathon

Free Novella - The Ice Marathon

My winter novella, The Ice Marathon is free from now until Christmas Day. This dark, psychological mystery book will suit anybody who enjoyed Seesaw or The Other Daughter.

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17.12.2012 19:54

New Post