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Rosen Trevithick

About Rosen Trevithick

Rosen was born in Cornwall. She studied psychology at Oxford before moving back to the West Country.

Readers have downloaded over a quarter of a million copies of Rosen's books. Several titles have broken into the Amazon charts, including a number 1 humorous fiction bestseller.

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Praise for Rosen Trevithick

- The Independent
"I didn’t want Miss to put the book down. It was so gripping from the beginning."
- Daisy (Schoolchild)
"Laugh-out-loud funny, wonderfully observed, and intelligent."
- N. Holme
"... a marvellously entertaining read and I recommend it."
- Damaskcat (Amazon Top 50 Reviewer)

My Granny Writes Erotica Official Website

How Not to Self-Publish Official Website

Summary of Blog Posts

04.11.2013 12:28
Bestselling author beats the odds on Google...

Bestselling author beats the odds on Google News

I'm delighted to report that a press release about my quarter million is now on Google News, along with a snazzy photo. Thanks to readers for the encouraging support shown after I decided to take the plunge and be honest about my situation.

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31.10.2013 13:51
Kindle Countdown | New Promotional...

Kindle Countdown | New Promotional Opportunities for Indies

Authors have been speculating about the new Kindle Countdown Deals tab in their Kindle Direction Publishing Reports. Authors will be allowed to put their books on time limited promotions.

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28.10.2013 18:38
From unfit for work to selling quarter of a...

From unfit for work to selling quarter of a million books - How did that happen?

Over the last two years, readers have downloaded over 244,000 copies of my eBooks. The last time I was in paid employment was the year 2000, over thirteen years ago. I suffer from debilitating bipolar disorder. So what's changed?

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21.10.2013 17:24
Win Signed Copies of Seesaw and Trolls

Win Signed Copies of Seesaw and Trolls

Signed copies of all three of my new releases are available on Goodreads. To enter you just have to sign in and tell the site where you want your book(s) sent to if you win.

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18.10.2013 16:18
Thanks to Foxhole School For Welcoming Me...

Thanks to Foxhole School For Welcoming Me Along for the Afternoon

Many thanks to the staff and children at Foxhole School for welcoming me into their library yesterday afternoon. Special thanks to the children who made me presents of pictures.

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16.10.2013 17:52

Kobo Send Out Writing Life Newsletter Despite Not Actually Writing Any Life

I couldn't believe it when I received a Kobo Writing Life newsletter about half an hour ago. It is my understanding that Kobo recently removed all books published through their Writing Life platform, due to a scandal that resulted from their own failure to filter books. Yet they saw fit to deliver their October self-publishing newsletter.

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14.10.2013 23:52

WHSmith and Kobo Stab Indies in the Back

WHSmiths and Kobo have messed up and indie authors are paying the price. As soon as they came under fire for publishing abuse themed titles, Kobo pulled all self-published books.

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11.10.2013 12:26
Rosen Trevithick Books as Christmas Presents

Rosen Trevithick Books as Christmas Presents

Apparently everybody who's anybody released their Christmas titles yesterday. Well then, I suppose I must be a nobody. I will however, be releasing new paperback titles in time for Christmas. So, if you're stuck for present ideas, listen in...

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10.10.2013 14:32
World Mental Health Day - We Need to Talk

World Mental Health Day - We Need to Talk

It's World Mental Health Day and campaigns such as Time to Change are urging people to talk about mental health. Why not take the time to ask your friends, colleagues and family how they are?

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10.10.2013 13:05
You are Invited to a Book Launch

You are Invited to a Book Launch

On Saturday 30th November, I will be launching three books: Seesaw (Volume II), Trolls On Ice and The First Trollogy. You are welcome to join me at my online launch event.

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